

SHAKE is an intimate rebellion and continuous research on the parched fixed body cult. It is a re-analysis and recognition of the dancer*s and women*s body. Based on the possibilities of a different way of looking at the body, everything is shaken: Skin, bones, fat, hair, old feelings and bulky thoughts. Thus, a new space in enjoying one's own existence is created. 


The piece immerses the viewer in the feminine/yin energy inherent in all of us. A matriarchal consciousness in which acceptance, openness, respect, as well as the "spiritual concept" of connectedness, the earth and the people as part of it, applies. It is a vision of the future.

The performers form a new social construct. This is in contrast to today's society, in which it is much about showing one's individuality - the isolated individual who stands out from his environment and strives for personal success. Contrary to this is "YIN", the big picture, which captures everything like an ocean. Feminine lightness acts like a meditation, complemented by the intense composition of Richard Kretschmar and the voice of the Syrian singer Ebla Sadek, who lead us into the underground, the hiding place, which becomes a strengthening experience through the honesty of the dance and the cohesion of the group.